Man Or Worm

Elder O. B. Mink
Now In Glory

 I recently heard a Baptist preacher say: “When I was lost, I wanted to be saved. I thought; if I could just get saved!”

I ask: “Do you think somewhere in the world there is worm that wants to be a man, and is sincerely trying to be a man?” The lettered and unlettered man bluntly replies; “Of course not, the question is utterly absurd.” I fully concur with the reply, such a thought is rank foolishness, but I can as easy believe there is somewhere in the world a worm who wants to be a man, as there is somewhere in the world an unsaved person who in truth wants to be saved from his or her sins.

For the sake of honesty, I present an impossible hypothesis, and ask: Which account would you believe if it were left to your discretion, the lost man who said he wanted to be saved, or the supposition that there is a worm somewhere that wants to be a man? To allow there is in this world a worm who wants to be a man is no more ridiculous that to say, there is a lost person who in truth wants to be saved. To opt for the man or the worm would be equally foolish, but if there was any weight in the matter it would be on the part of the worm, for I have never read nor heard of a worm that hated God. Conversely, there is not ONE person whose heart is not filled with enmity against God. It is the epitome of ignorance to say a person wants to become that which he hates with a perfect hatred. (John 15:18, 25, Romans 1:30, 8:7; etc.).

(The Baptist Herald April, 1991)

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