Elder O. B. Mink
Now In Glory “Is
there no balm
in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health
of the daughter of my people recovered?”
(Jeremiah 8:22) “For God is not the author of confusion,
but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” (I Corinthians 14:33) “Is
there no balm
in Gilead; is there no physician there?” Israel
had lapsed into sin, in rebuke God had sent judgment after judgment upon
His chosen people. At the time Jeremiah posed this question, their sin had
become so intense and hateful God was provoked to loosen the Chaldean armies
against Israel. Consternation and desolation prevailed throughout the
land, yet, the nation, as a whole, continued to rebel against God. The nation
was spiritually diseased, its remaining health waning, and God was sorely
displeased. Jeremiah did not ask this question because he did not know the
answer. But he was making entreaty of the people, earnestly imploring them
to turn back to God. Israel would have no difficulty in understanding the
question. They knew the prophet was addressing them in figurative language,
and that he referred to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the nation’s
personal Physician. They knew he referred to the law of God, and its Passover
lamb, whose blood was a sure stay against the judgments of God. The land of Gilead on the other side of Jordon was
a part of the country of Israel, where a peculiar plant grew which yielded
a special and precious balm for physical healing. The plant, being pierced,
issued a resin which because of its healing virtue became a valuable commodity.
It was used to cleanse sores, heal deep wounds, as eye salve, as an antidote
for the bite of poison serpents, it was commonly held by Israel to be beneficial
in the healing of all manner of disease. “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples:
and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are
come.” (I Corinthians 10:11). So it is Gilead’s balm may be held
as a fit type of the shed blood of Christ which is all comprehensive in its
curative powers. The lack of a cure for Israel’s disease was not owing to
the want of balm, or of a Physician, but to their own unbelief and folly.
The medicine was in ready and sufficient supply and their Physician able.
Another thing adding to the peculiarity of the balm is, the plant was indigenous
to Israel only. God vouchsafed this anti disease balm to Israel, and made
other nations beholding to them for it. God gave the Passover lamb to Israel, and to no other
nation. Egypt, which is a vivid type of the world, had no atoning blood, or
soul healing balm. The only way an Egyptian could be saved was to own Israel’s
God, and appointed lamb. The typical blood was shed in Israel every day for
1,500 years, and with each sacrifice they were reminded that “It
is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul” (Leviticus
17:11). Institutional
lines and treks of God’s elective decree shall ever be a mystery to the
unglorified saint, with hindsight he can see where it has run (I Thessalonians
1:4), but he cannot tell in a personal way whither it goeth. During the
Mosiac economy some Gentiles were saved, including Rahab the harlot, Naaman
the Syrian, the widow of Sidon, Ruth the Moabitess, etc. However, I have
not read of any who were saved independent of the typical gospel of Israel,
or her spiritual balm. I do not mean to imply that every person saved beyond
the progeny of Israel became a devout proselyte. It would be illogical to
assume this seeing that many native Israelites had problems keeping their
own ordinances (Acts 15:10). Yet, in Israel only was God’s institutional
glory vested. Only Israel had divine ordinances, and Israel was the only nation
God promised to meet with in an institutional sense. “And I (God)
will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their God.”
(Exodus 29:45) As in ancient times when God restricted His institutional
glory to Israel, He has in this age made the New Testament church the repository
of that same glory, making the church the “pillar and ground of the truth,”
committing to her His ordinances, and promising her His perpetual presence
(Matthew 28:18-20; I Timothy 3:15 ). Of the Mosiac
institution we read, “In Judah is God known: His name is great
in Israel. In Salem also is His tabernacle, and His dwelling place in Zion.”
(Psalm 76:1-2). The seat of God’s institutional glory was in
Israel, and manifested through the temple worship services in Jerusalem.
God, in infinite wisdom has chosen the New Testament church to be the seat
of His institutional glory for this age, and in view of this fact, Paul says,
“Unto Him (God) be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout
all ages, world without end. Amen.” (Ephesians 3:21). There were
other religious institutions in the days of Israel, but Israel was the only
one instituted by God. There are today sundry churches in divers places, but
only one (kind) has been divinely instituted, and all others are false churches.
The churches to whom the Lord has committed the proclamation of the gospel,
all missionary enterprise, and in whom His institutional glory resides are
Sovereign Grace Missionary Baptist churches. Baptists are not the only people
making this claim, but it seems they are the only people labeled “bigoted”
for doing so. Investigation will reveal that many denominations make this
claim for themselves, and others which are not so dogmatic in asserting the
same for their church, yet contend that their particular group is more perfect
in degree than all others. Any church that is not built after the New Testament
model is not merely a false church, but is the antithesis of the true, and
whether conscious of it or not, every ecclesiastical exercise of an ill-founded
church is an effort to bedim the glory of the true. New Testament Baptists hold that the Lord baptized
the church in the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, and that this baptism
was of an institutional nature. This baptism not only attested to the fact
that the church had superseded the Jewish institution with its typical gospel,
but with this baptism came the indwelling, and empowering of the already existing
church by the Spirit. This glorious manifestation of the Divine presence
in the church was prefigured by the Shechinah glory filling the tabernacle
(Exodus 40:34-38), and later the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem
(I Kings 8:10-11). By this baptism the church takes up the
banner which Israel let fall through harlotry, by this baptism the church
becomes the exclusive ecclesiastical institution with the favor of the self-revealing
God. Through the church the Spirit will apply the healing balm of Gilead,
rather, the blood of Christ to all for whom He was pierced. They are ever
beholding to the church for the message of redemption, and apart from this
message there is no healing of the soul. The devil knows it is through the
Lord’s churches that the Spirit calls out the elect of God. He knows that
the church reflects the glory of God, and to obscure that glory he afflicts
the church with many loathsome diseases. Spiritual
Afflictions of the Church - I Corinthians
Heresy and error are terrible diseases which spreads like cancer, and is
a constant threat to every New Testament church. Too often the little church
must go to the great Physician and plead for the healing balm of Gilead
because of this agonizing sore. This disease, like cancer comes in many forms
and gradations. One of the most deadly being Arminianism. Some of the symptoms
of Arminian carcinoma are: 1. The lifting up of carnal reason above that of Divine
revelation. This symptom manifests itself in the doctrine which leaves the
eternal issues to be settled by the volitional power of the creature. It is
eternally fatal to trust the destiny of the soul to human rationalization,
rather than Scripture revelation. 2. Calling attention to religious performances, rather
than high lighting the work of Christ, and the power of imputed righteousness,
is another sure sign of Arminian carcinoma. Why is it churches have the one year, two year, five
year and ten year Sunday school pen if it is not to impress their peers? In
most cases the disease is fatal and its terminal nature is made apparent by
the efforts of the church to replace the work of the Holy Spirit with human
enthusiasm. No means to inspire and excite the religious energies of the
flesh are over looked, and one of the highlights of the Sunday morning service
is when the Pastor asks the “Soul Winner of the Week” to stand up! Thus it is the redemption of souls is ascribed to the
power of the corrupt reason rather than to the efficacious and free grace
of God. Such practices are not merely unscriptural, but are anti scripture.
The church which lets the Arminian error spread to such an extent described
above has turned from the Great Physician and His healing balm to the great
pretender, and his soul damning bane Like cancer, early detection of the Arminian
heresy is absolutely essential. The first symptom should alarm the church,
and cause her to employ the swiftest motion on fleeing to Him Who has the
heavenly balm. For it is yet true, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole
lump.” (Galatians 5:9) (B.) Schism and division among church members is a
loathsome and hurtful disease. “... It is impossible but that offences
will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!” (Luke
17:1). “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be
not consumed one of another.” (Galatians 5:15) While the disease which causes sheep to bite and devour
one another is irregular, it is usually chaotic A hateful and dreadful disease
it is which turns brotherly converse into vain janglings, and begets alienation
of affection. The malady is all the more grievous when the sheep are in the
blood bought sheepfold, with the Great Physician and Head present in their
assembly. The spirit of strife and division can only exist where love for
the Lord and His church have diminished, and when strife comes in, godly
edifying goes out. What a strange distemper it is that makes church brothers
and sisters renounce communion with one another in whom they once took the
greatest delight. One sad aspect of this disease is that it usually originates
with issues not vital to the welfare of the church. Such as; who should sing
what parts in the church choir or groups, a plurality of organ and piano
players can give birth to envy and jealousy apart from due restraint, an
oversight in greeting, thermostat settings on heat and air conditioners,
etc. We do not mean to imply these things are not important. They areimportant
but they are not of such magnitude as to cause the first element of bitterness
in the church. The first schism in the body is the devil’s floodgate through
which every manner of evil pours into the church. “For where envying
and strife is there is confusion and every evil work.”
(James 3:16) “Opinions are like noses, everybody has one,” but woe
to the person or party that would so press their opinion as to expose the
church to the scorn and derision of her enemies. Schism in the body tends
to hinder prayer, demands time that could otherwise be used for the propagation
of the gospel. It lowers eternal assets on the scale of values, spiritual
interest declines, and in short time indifference will prevail. 0, how the
devil must rejoice over this calamitous state of the Lord’s church. Jeremiah
said to God’s ancient people, “Thy breach is great, like the sea,
who can heal thee?” (Lamentations 2:13). Surely none but He that
hath the balm of Gilead. The Great Physician’s prescription calls for preventive
medicine. “There should be no schism in the body; but that the
members should have the same care one for another ... submitting yourselves
one to another in the fear of God ... And the Lord make you to increase
and abound in love one toward another ... to the end He may stablish
your hearts unblameable in holiness before God...” (I Corinthians 12:25;
Ephesians 5:21; I Thessalonians 3:12-13). Adherence to this prescription will keep the church
in such state of health that when offences do come they will be of brief duration,
and handled in a manner that edifies the church and glorifies God. The balm
works negatively in putting away from the church, “All bitterness, and
wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking,” it works positively
enabling the church to “be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving
one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven,” the whole church
(Ephesians 4:31-32). (C.) Unsettledness in doctrine is a grievous disease
with which contemporary Baptists are afflicted. Many are filled with the wine of instability, and are
“reeling to and fro like drunken men,” (Isaiah 24:20), first
to one side of the doctrinal street, then to the other side. Paul said to
the church at Ephesus, “... Henceforth be no more children, tossed
to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine ...” (Ephesians
4:14). This certainly does not mean a person is unalterably bound to
his original concepts, but it does mean that doctrinal vacillation is a mark
of weakness, and that change in doctrinal position is to be made only after
much prayer, meditation, and laborious study. Eschatology has become a labyrinth,
and every doctrinal turn seems to demand another. Some have gone from pre-trib
doctrine of the Lord’s return to a mid-trib view, then on to post-trib, and
finally put their anchor down in the murky waters and shifting sands of A-millennialism.
All this irresolution has caused so much confusion that some have given up
altogether the study of prophecy and eschatology. There is constant traffic
between the two schools of thought regarding the instrumentality of the gospel
in regeneration. The result being, many have parked their doctrinal vehicle
on the plausibility lot, and have left it in neutral so as no ill wind can
blow against it. This is a worse state than being an erring zealot, for
they which purge themselves of all dogmatism are in love with their disease
and cannot see any need whatsoever of the healing balm. Like the alcoholic,
he is sick, does not know it, and will listen to reproof until the first
free drink comes along. The balm which should be appropriated to cure the spiritual
crippling brought on by doctrinal unsettledness is found in Hebrews 12:12-13
, “Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble
knees; and make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be
turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.” The earlier a Christian
can formulate doctrine the better, for he will not spend his spiritual life
in a piecemeal way, constantly doing and redoing his doctrinal structure,
He will become steadfast in his belief, and will be able to contend for his
faith, (Acts 2:42; Jude 3). Paul not only knew Whom he believed,
he also knew what he believed, and in the benediction of his life he said,
“I have kept the faith” (II Timothy 4:7). Conclusion
and error, schism and division in the church, unsettledness in doctrine
are all devastating diseases, but we need to remember where these diseases
abound the sovereign balm doth much more abound. It is said of our gracious
Lord, He “healeth all thy diseases” (Psalm 103:3). The church
is never afflicted with a sickness which is beyond divine remedy, but no
cure will be effected until the church owns the cause of the disease to be
their own. The Great Physician cherishes the weakest grace in His beloved
bride, and when she cries out from a penitent heart for healing, He makes
a house call with healing in His wings. Our Lord advances the cure by weakening
and restraining the power of sin. He breaks the bonds and loosens the fetters
whereby His people are bound to self. He straightens them in duty, and they
“Walk before the Lord in the land of the living” (Psalm 116:9). Many are stubborn, determined to have their own way,
and will not honor Christ’s prescription for healing. They will not drink
the liquid of self-denial, or of repentance, or of contrition. The pill of
personal sacrifice and mortification in their notion costs too much, so they
are left to languish in their disease, not knowing it is the mother of utter
corruption, culminating in the extinguishing of all light. A brief word to the unsaved in closing. The world in
which you live is a spiritual leprosarium, and you are a spiritual leper.
There is no cure for you apart from the heavenly balm, the shed blood of Christ.
Prayer, baptism, good works, morality are all wonderful in their place, but
they contribute absolutely nothing to the healing of the sin sick soul. It
is the sacrificial blood of Christ, and nothing but His blood that heals
the eternal soul of its damning disease, and the Great Physician will not
be satisfied with anything less than full honour for the soul’s cure. May God bless you to see in Christ Jesus all the balm
you need for time and eternity.