Baptist Name The
designation “Baptist” has, in the last century, lost much of its superlative
nature, and in the contemporary period there are many denominations and thousands
of churches going by the name “Baptist” who do not claim any ecclesiastical
ancestry or perpetuity which antedates the sixteenth century reformation.
It is most regretful that they have taken to themselves the appellation “Baptist”,
for it is readily seen from their doctrine and history that there is no biblical
kinship between them and the Lord’s churches which preceded the Protestant
The contention that there were no churches going by
the name “Baptist” for the first fifteen hundred years of church history
is, without the least hesitation admitted, but it is an admission of no great
import, for it has to do with name only, and not with doctrine or practice.
Pseudo ecclesiology has given the name “Baptist” a generality that is inclusive
of all immersionists, irrespective of their origin, doctrine, or practice.
While baptism is a vital part of the body of Divine ecclesiology, it is not
in itself sufficient to merit the name “Baptist”, for baptism apart from
the other biblically prescribed elements necessary to the constitution of
a New Testament church is a debauchery of the ordinance and a grave disservice
to the subject.
The glorious gospel of Christ has been enshrined in
New Testament Baptist churches, and this gospel has been cherished, preached,
and preserved pure by them for two thousand years. Baptist churches have
not had the elaborate cathedrals, massive choirs, clerical collars, and polished
crosses, but they have biblical Christianity with its simplicity, authority,
and presence of God. The name “Baptist” was given to the Lord’s little
flocks by their enemies with an evil intent. However, we can by retrospect
clearly see the hand of Divine providence taking their efforts to stigmatize
the Lord’s churches, and causing it to redound to the glory of God, and the
good of His churches. Even though the name “Baptist” is no longer a definitive,
it is the name by which the Lord’s virgin and age climaxing churches will
enter the bridal chambers in glory. Thus it is, Baptists say to their would-be
detractors: “Ye meant if for evil, but God meant it for good”. While it is true, the Lord’s churches did not go by
the name “Baptist” during the first fifteen hundred years of church history,
it is equally true that there were churches during this entire period which
espoused the same doctrines, and adhered to the same practices that contemporary
New Testament Baptists propagate and practice. “A rose by any other name
is still a rose”; and a Baptist church by any other name is still a Baptist
church. It is an incontestable fact that from New Testament
times unto the fifteenth century there were churches that tenaciously followed
the teachings of Christ, and these same teachings are found in present day
New Testament Baptist churches. Therefore, it is within the realm of propriety
to say those early churches were Baptists, even though they went by various
names. The following passage is taken from the “History
of the Reformed Church of the Netherlands”, by Doctors Ypeig and
Dermont, Ministers of the highest standing in that church: “We have now seen
that the Baptists, who were formerly called Anabaptists, and in later times
Mennonites, were the original Waldenses, and have long, in the history of
the church received the honor of that origin. On this account the Baptists
may be considered as the only Christian community which has stood since the
days of the Apostles; and as a Christian society which has preserved pure
doctrines of the gospel through all ages”. One identifying mark of Baptists by whatever name
they have been called in the past two millenniums has been their undeviating
insistence upon a biblically prescribed morality. Owing to their strict adherence
to heaven’s code of conduct, they were often called the “Cathari”, a word
meaning, pure. There is in our present time ecclesiastical offsprings of
the Cathari, going by the name “Baptist”, who fully realize the perpetuity
of their respective churches is contingent on their practice of abstention
from moral evil and doctrinal deviation from the biblical standard. (I
Thessalonians 5:2). The name “Baptist” was at one time a disparaging epithet
in the reckoning of Catholicism and Protestantism. However, in the last fifty
years much of their rancor toward the Baptist name has diminished, for the
simple reason the name in the generic sense has become hardly more than an
expletive. By far and large, churches wearing the “Baptist” name, beguiled
by the spirit of ecumenism have denounced the claim of Baptist perpetuity
from New Testament times, and have historically identified with Protestantism,
which is the first and irreversible step toward spiritual Babylonianism. The apostasy mentioned in the above paragraph should
not in any way discourage Baptist churches who have been blessed with the
glorious truth of their New Testament origin, and have been given the hell
defying promise of age long perpetuity. Let us disdain every false way, even
if it wears a “Baptist” name; for we know the people divinely honored with
that name are easily distinguished from their God debasing counterfeits. As to doctrine and practice, the “Baptist” name is
as old as the church which Jesus started while He was on earth, for only
in Baptist churches is the whole counsel of God preached, and the ordinances
kept as they were delivered to the first church by Christ the Lord. Baptist
hearts are filled with gratitude, precious memories, and admiration for the
pioneer Baptist of America, and for the Baptists of England and Holland from
whence they came; but our Baptist heritage antedates our European ancestry
by fifteen hundred years. However, there are today, especially in America, a
great number of churches wearing the name “Baptist” for the simple reason
they immerse their membership candidates. Scriptural baptism is the door
whereby a person enters the membership of a Baptist church, but there is
a lot more to a Baptist church than a door. Nowhere in Scripture is the church
metaphorically referred to as a door, but the church is often alluded to
as a house, and there is much more to a house than a door. (I Timothy
3:15; Hebrews 3:6). There is more in the commission of the church
than baptism, for there are numerous other doctrines delineated in Scripture,
and everyone is profitable unto the church. (Acts 20:20, 27;
II Timothy 3:16). While it is true, the name “Baptist” is not absolutely
essential to the constitution of a New Testament church, it is equally true
that there is not, nor shall there ever by any sufficient reason for the
Lord’s churches to deny that time honoring name. New Testament churches should
not let people who feign and fictionalize the “Baptist” name diminish their
love and respect for that name which God in His all wise providence has given
to His blood bought churches. Let us not drop the name “Baptist”, but keep
it, and add to it whatever prefixes and suffixes that are necessary to distinguish
our churches from all false churches, by whatever name they may be called.
“A good name is better than riches”, and there is no better name than “Baptist”.
(The Baptist Herald July, 1994)